Harvesting laxyuubm Ts'msyen
Ha’li suwiliinsk [ha/’li/*su/wi/*liinsk] – the time to hunt/trap; January
sagayt łwa’elsgm sanaasgm amgyiika – seafood chowder
Ama su kooł - happy New Year! January 1st marks the new year in the conventional calendar - but for the Ts’msyen (Tsimshian people), the new year traditionally starts at Ha'lila̱x six'ẅa̱h [ha/'li/la̱x/si/*'ẅa̱h] - the time to harvest eulachon, the…...Continue reading
January 1, 2022
xmasgm buwel – spot prawns
Ama su k’ooł - Happy New Year! Did you know that you can catch fresh likleksm buwel (general term for prawns and shrimp) Your browser doesn't support this audio player. right here in laxyuubm Ts’msyen (Tsimshian territory) Your browser doesn't…...Continue reading
January 8, 2021
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Ha’liwilgyisiyaask [Ha/’li/wil/gyi/si/*yaask] – the time of the North wind; February
sa’mx [*sa/’mx] – butter clam
Just like g̱a̱boox [g̱a̱/*boox] - cockles, you can harvest ts'a̱'a̱x [ts'a̱'a̱x] - clam (common noun) throughout the cold winter months. Ts'a̱'a̱x live low in the intertidal zone, but above the g̱a̱boox (they live even lower down in the intertidal zone).…...Continue reading
February 6, 2022
txadzemsk [txa/*dzemsk] – boiled fish
Txadzemsk/kajumps/kajumpsk - boiled fish/fish soup February is a slow month for fishing. Steve goes out quite regularly, and I join him when I can (on the weekends, after work). The days are shorter in the winter months, so we tend…...Continue reading
February 19, 2020
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Ha’lila̱x six’ẅa̱h [ha/’li/la̱x/si/*’ẅa̱h] – the time to harvest eulachon; March
‘ẅa̱h – Eulachon, with James Russell
The first seasonal round of harvesting in laxyuubm Ts’msyen - Tsimshian territory starts in late February or early March, when the Ksiyeen - Skeena River comes alive with wildlife and people. This time of year is called Ha'lilax six'ẅa̱h – the time for harvesting eulachon…...Continue reading
March 14, 2023
Ha’limootk [ha’/li/*mootk] – Saviour Fish, the first run of eulachon
Ha'limootk [ha'/li/*mootk] Your browser doesn't support this audio player. is the first run of 'ẅa̱h (eulachon) Your browser doesn't support this audio player.. The word Ha'limootk is akin to saying saviour fish (literally translates to time/place where safe). The saviour…...Continue reading
March 12, 2021
inta samiim wa̱n [in/ta/sa/mi/m/wa̱n] – jarred deer meat
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit northern BC (12 confirmed cases in the Northern Heath region as I’m writing this), and Stephen and I have been in voluntary self-isolation for 2 weeks. While I do enjoy working from home, it’s not…...Continue reading
March 29, 2020
Ha’lila̱x six’ẅa̱h [ha/’li/la̱x/si/*’ẅa̱h] – the time to harvest eulachon; the month of March
This year’s eulachon run has been anything but typical! 'Ẅa̱h (common noun for eulachon) can be found up and down the coast, and go by many different names; we’ve heard: eulachon (scientific spelling and Steve’s preferred spelling) oolichan (Lisa’s preference,…...Continue reading
March 10, 2020
g̱a̱boox [g̱a̱/*boox] – cockles
In the Tsimshian calendar, October is Ha'lila̱x sig̱aboox [ha/'li/*la̱x/si/g̱a/*boox] - the time to harvest cockles. But in the Ts’msyen territory, cockles are good to harvest anywhere from October to February. Steve checks the marine weather and tides daily, so last…...Continue reading
March 6, 2020
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Ha’lila̱x sixs’waanx [ha/’li/la̱x/si/*xs’waa/nx] – the time to harvest herring eggs; April
Ha’lila̱x sixs’waanx [ha/’li/la̱x/si/*xs’waa/nx] – the time to harvest herring eggs; the month of April
Have you ever heard the phrase “herring weather”? This Ha'lila̱x sixs'waanx [ha/'li/la̱x/si/*xs'waa/nx] - the time to harvest herring eggs, April Your browser doesn't support this audio player., has been full of herring weather! Herring weather in Lax Kxeen (place of…...Continue reading
April 9, 2021
sigwaank [si/gwaank] – bake; cook! pineapple g̱a̱boox (cockle) curry
This is not a traditional Ts’msyen Your browser doesn't support this audio player. recipe! We have been experimenting with g̱a̱boox (cockles) Your browser doesn't support this audio player. to find a healthier alternative to frying cockles. The usual way it to…...Continue reading
April 15, 2020
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Ha’li’la̱x siła̱’a̱sk [ha/’li/la̱x/si/*ła̱’a̱sk] – the time to harvest seaweed; May
huułens [*huu/łens] – poison root; hellebore
Warning: Huułens is not an edible harvest product. Do not ingest! ⚠️ Always wear gloves when handling huułens. ⚠️ Keep away/ out of reach of children and pets. ⚠️ Huułens Your browser doesn't support this audio player. that Steve spotted…...Continue reading
May 26, 2021
Ha’li’la̱x siła̱’a̱sk [ha/’li/la̱x/si/*ła̱’a̱sk] – the time to harvest seaweed; the month of May
Ha'li'la̱x siła̱'a̱skYour browser doesn't support this audio player. is the time for harvesting seaweed! Ła̱'a̱sk [*ła̱/'a̱sk] Your browser doesn't support this audio player. is the Sm’algya̱x Your browser doesn't support this audio player. word for seaweed, and we’ve been talking…...Continue reading
May 31, 2020
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Ha’lila̱x sima̱ḵ’ooxs [ha/’li/la̱x/si/ma̱/*ḵ’ooxs] – the time to harvest salmonberries; June
inta maaynm ‘as [in/ta/maay nm ‘as]- jarred soap berries
Last year, we shared a blog post for yel ‘as - whipped soap berries, Indian ice cream , and had a few people asking us how to preserve them! We were not sure ourselves, so we had to ask Stephen’s…...Continue reading
June 12, 2022
yel ‘as [yel/’as] – whipped soap berries, Indian ice cream
Lax Kxeen (Prince Rupert) Your browser doesn't support this audio player. is home to many First Nations focused community events. Two of the highlights of my year are the All Native Basketball Tournament and National Indigenous People’s Day - where…...Continue reading
June 15, 2021
eets’m miyuup dił ḵ’a̱lmoos [*eets’/m/mi/*yuup/dił/ḵ’a̱l/moos] – crab fried rice
Steve is the king of eets’m miyuup dił ḵ'a̱lmoos [*eets'/m - fried. mi/*yuup - rice. ḵ'a̱l/*moos - crab] - crab fried rice Your browser doesn't support this audio player.. This is a standard ḵ'a̱lmoos Your browser doesn't support this audio…...Continue reading
June 22, 2020
Ha’lila̱x sima̱ḵ’ooxs [ha/’li/la̱x/si/ma̱/*ḵ’ooxs] – the time to harvest salmonberries; the month of June
As time goes by, I’ve noticed the seasonal rounds are more and more prevalent in the Ts’msyen (Tsimshian) Your browser doesn't support this audio player. calendar. The seasonal rounds are something that I learned about in Sm’algyax class in elementary…...Continue reading
June 18, 2020
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Ha’lila̱x simisoo [ha/’li/la̱x/si/mi/*soo] – the time to harvest sockeye; July
inta hoon nm misoo [in/ta/hoon nm mi/*soo] – jarred sockeye salmon
Nothing says summertime like fried sockeye, and July is Ha'lila̱x simisoo [ha/'li/la̱x/si/mi/*soo] - the time to harvest sockeye salmon Your browser doesn't support this audio player.! We processed our fish in the last week of July, but we bought a…...Continue reading
July 31, 2020
Ha’lila̱x simaay [ha/’li/la̱x/si/*maay] – the time to harvest berries; September
lax wi’iil – gravel bar
I’d like to preface this post by saying that we thoroughly enjoy every seasonal change in Ts’msyen territory - but our favourite change of the seasons is the k'suut [ksuut] - autumn; fall season . For me, the crisp, cool…...Continue reading
September 21, 2021
Ha’lila̱x sig̱aboox [ha/’li/*la̱x/si/g̱a/*boox] – the time to harvest cockles; October
ma̱xmeex [ma̱x/*meex] – grouse
Fall harvesting is prime time for ma̱xmeex [ma̱x/*meex] - common noun. grouse; partridge (literally x= experience/consume, meex pine cone) Your browser doesn't support this audio player.. This fall, we went for a drive on the backroads to harvest ma̱xmeex. This…...Continue reading
October 6, 2020
Ha’lila̱x sits’a̱’a̱x [ha/’li/*la̱x/si/*ts’a̱’a̱x] – the time to harvest clams; November
yeem goomsm – [yee/m *goom/sm] winter spring/chinook salmon
For Steve and myself, every season is la̱x'wiihoon [la̱x/'wii/*hoon] salmon season. But goomsm [*goom/sm] - winter , is our most productive for spring salmon fishing. Stephen is busy with fieldwork during the suunt - summer , so we tend to…...Continue reading
November 28, 2020